Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

09 March 2010 Walk

Eight Travel Briskwalkers turned up for the 1st walk of 2010. It was also the last time our dear friend Rodney will be walking with us as he will be heading north to take up a new appointment soon. Best wishes to Rodney and we shall see you at Yellow Mountain.
All T/shirt sponsors are represented. Northwest CDC, Park Group, Etihad (most represented)
and Emirates. Rafin - I was told anyone put on a Park Group t/shirt will receive a $50 F & B voucher right? So you know who to send to right ?
This is why I prefer walking along east coast park. Great View...But no it wasn't Jack...
Captain Heart with Mrs Tan - lovingly.
As our dear friend, Rodney is heading up north to take up a new appointment, Captain Heart thought he would miss our local Hawker food. So he suggested that we treat him SATAY at East Coast Hawker Centre. And Dr Choo die die must have beef noodle as well
All the Best Rodney and will shall see you somewhere up north when you have settled down.